Informing Management

Visually friendly landscape-scale reports are customized to your properties. Using the latest in remote sensing and data crunching, we have prioritized feedback for managers, period.

These reports provide working lands the following:

◉ Land & Grazing Planning (100% land cover maps, graphs, and time-lapse imagery)

◉ Entry into the world’s first Ecological Outcome Verification registry

◉ Leased Lands and Land Permit relations and recommendations (24/7 access to shareable PDF reports)

◉ Branding Your Land Story (set up a customizable land monitoring plan and reports)

◉ Soil Health and Climate strategies and validation

We use simple, cost-effective tools to reveal where and when land health conditions and trends are at local and regional scales. Now, land surveillance strategies are flipped in favor of proactive working lands and their stewards (paper & digital reports available).

We hope to help share or learn more more about you and your land operations today.